Let me start off saying that I have never really been a fan of coffee. The taste was subpar and the feeling of scolding hot liquid searing my taste buds wouldn't be what Foldger's has coined "the best part of waking up." So, the past 20 years of my life have been dedicated to abhorring the world phenomenon of coffee. Thanks to Mother, I have found my caffeine fix through 7/11 fountain Diet Coke, but seeing that Denmark doesn't do the whole "fat ass American" way of dining, I have been without my 7/11 fountain drinks.
What to do? Well, it so happens that Europeans are fans of coffee and there is plenty to go around. So, with some coercing from my friends (Hey Margaret) and a couple unpleasant mornings of slug-like behavior I decided to give it another try this morning.
An hour later, I now have 5 pages of Russian notes speckled with deer drawings and a miniature portrait of Stalin. My mind was READY TO GO. Big deer, little deer, Disney deer,deer jumping over the Kremlin, a picture of a bare tree,horses, a Victorian woman, squigglies, a picture of Stalin, o and of course notes on the Russian Orthodox church. I am assuming that this deer inspiration came from the fact I had Disney's Pocahontas soundtrack going through my head. Can I paint with all the colors of the wind? Let's try! How high does the sycamore grow? I don't know, but I am going to google it as soon as I get out of class. Coffee is obviously going to be new Danish buddy here. O thank heaven, for the Danish 7/11! (O and thank you to Diane, for helping me figure out the coffee machine. That was a doozie.)
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And you thought I was kidding... Just page 1. |
Back on the main road? Good. I am actually going to go in reverse and go back to last week. My lovely Communications class took a trip to ADTOMIC! Isn't that an awesome name? I feel like I should throw confetti in the air every time I say it. One more for funsies, AADDDTOMIC!!! * throws confetti* Woo, sorry, I am still on my coffee high. Settle down, Nancy.
Adtomic is one of the top advertising agencies in Denmark and has a wide list of famous clients including Denmark's Carlsberg beer. Well, early Wednesday morning we set off on a little walking tour through the city. To get there you have to travel through the candy forest and over the rainbow bridge and... just kidding. You actually have to walk through the red light district. Our group was in such a happy place as we walked past Tivoli and smelled the light aroma of Danish pastries in the air. What a quaint Copenhagen morning!
Then with a snap of the finger we were walking down ISTERGADE (pronounced like eastergard.) Just the word is foreboding. Dark, dark place. I felt my little bubble pop around me, as the neons signs flickered and the windows slowly changed from pastries to whips, and the dark eyes of seedy women and shady men preyed upon me. Okay, ugh yes.... it was like 9 in morning and I am making this a lot more dramatic than it actually was, but I am taking advantage of the fact that I was on the street of hookers and druggies! You cannot past up writing about that experience! Thus, I was able to make a harrowing escape from being "taken..." dun dun dunnnnnn. Great story right?
Luckily, we were all able to pop back into the sunny Copenhagen and make it to Adtomic. How do I explain this...Adtomic just oozes coolness. Everyone had on their edgy retro glasses as they typed on their brand new Macs while sitting in their highly modern, neon furniture. This was a place where you could pull off wearing thigh high boots and still look classy, just because you were that cool. I felt like I needed to change out of my danskos (embarrassing) and into Converses asap and get a grass shake mocha or something complicated like that. Luckily, they forgave my idiocy when it came to fashion and the CEO gave us a great presentation on how to advertise.
This guy was funny. Real class act he was. He actually assigned us to work on their new ad campaign for Carlsberg, and told us that he will not withhold from stealing any of our ideas and passing them off as his own. Thanks? So we broke up into teams and came up with ad campaigns. Okay, I honestly thought I thought our team had the best ideas ever, I was so excited to present it because I knew everyone would get up and clap and maybe they would start crying at the brilliance of it....okay too far, but nevertheless I was excited. So when I finished telling everyone about it (beaming like a idiot) I closed my eyes and waited for the roar of applause............
ahem ahem....I am done now.
I open my eyes. Blank stares. Maybe they are dumfounded from the brilliance of it. I shall explain. "Ha ha...I mean....like this is Carlsberg.. and...ha..get it?" *bows head in shame and walks back to her seat*
Someone cue that depressing Charlie Brown Christmas music...
Quick kick to the shins that was.
However, not all hope was lost! They actually took one of our ideas and developed it into an actual ad campaign! So although my future in advertising blew up like a kamakazi plane (too soon for WW2 jokes?), our class still prevailed in making one good idea. So if you see Carlsberg phones in a bar nearest to you, you know who to thank. Not me, but one of my class members.
Ah, well time has seemed to catch up with me even though I have oodles more to tell you.
Never fear, I shall make a reappearance quite soon.
Rapper Cat
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