Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Happy "Taksgiving"

One thing that never really occurred to me is that Thanksgiving is an American holiday. It's when you're abroad that you notice these simple little things. Like, oh we don't have 20 lbs turkeys at our disposal...well in this case we made it happen, we brought America to Denmark. How did we do this? We ordered two 20lb turkeys from the American Air Force base in Germany. That's what I call utilizing our connections. We also received a large amount of Thanksgiving decorations shipped in from the States to make it an extra authentic Thanksgiving. True, it looked like we were throwing Thanksgiving for a bunch of Kindergardeners, but hey if the pilgrim statues get the point across then so be it.

A Taksgiving Dinner!

Lovely decorations

The Americans at the hojskole really outdid themselves. The kitchen staff was nice enough to let us borrow their ovens and cooking materials to make our Thanksgiving an extraordinary feast and some of the girls were really able to put their cooking talents to test. We had two butterball turkeys (w/stuffing), green bean casserole, corn, peas, cinnamon sweet potatoes, homemade cranberry sauce, buttered Southern rolls, three homemade pies (with homemade whip cream) and decorations everywhere. It was the ultimate Thanksgiving. We ate dinner in the oldest room of the hojskole which had authentic wooden Danish furniture from the 17th century and we held hands and went around and said what we were thankful for. We invited some of the Danes to come and experience a thanksgiving and they loved it! It was quite the festive feast. O and I had my first "white" thanksgiving! We had snow on the ground which made it even more enchanting. 

The next night one of our friends from Elon invited us over to his host family's house in Lynge for a second Thanksgiving! It was pretty much the same deal, but we had duck instead of turkey. Mm mm good. It was nice to be included in a family dinner again, and to see and interact with Danish children was a lot of fun too. Later on, we came home in a crazy blizzard that left us with 2 ft of snow in the morning. So of course, this calls for a snowball fight. I literally got pounded into the snow, this was a battle of the best.

The next day I just vegged out. I literally did nothing. I procrastinated from doing my procrastination work. Later we all had a "super hero" themed party. This was hard because where in the world would I get a costume for that?! Luckily people went as the most random things possible. There was Cinnamon Man, the ManEater, the Joker's son, and then people who just came in their regular clothes. It worked out.

O my gosh, I only have 3 more weeks left here....where.did.that. go.  I am just in pure shock right now! How did 4 months fly by so fast?!?!? Wow, well Ill post an update soon.

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