Friday, December 3, 2010

Let It snow, let it snow, let it snow

Let it snow!!!!!!
(even though people are freezing to death throughout Europe) whatevs. It is so pretty!!!

Well, once again we find me abstaining from work. What's new.
I have a 15-page European film paper due next week, but that's basically it. Sooo I am just chillin' (literally) in the hangout room of Grundtvigs. I got some awesome reading glasses today from Tiger (the dollar store). I don't wear glasses but sometimes I trick myself into believing that I need them and in turn I feel more intellectual, so I bought some. Nothing about that reason of thinking is logical.

Totally worth it...right? Snazzy.
They also function as a great intellectual head band.

What are some Danish adventures I have been up to....wellllll:
1) Margaret and I ventured out into the snow to get firewood. This sounds so "1863: Uncle Tom's Cabin-esque" but it wasn't, it was already chopped up. We just had to get it.
2) Um, I watched the Danish film "Anti-Christ." Disturbing.
3) Worked on my foosball skills with the Danes, slowly but surely I will learn how to properly play without spinning my players into a frenzy.
4) Had some schwarma. Also, had some McDonald's. Ate a jar of Nutella. That's not Danish, but it is relevant. Food is always relevant.
5) Learned how to count to ten in Danish. Seeing that I have a difficult time counting money, this was a surprisingly hard task.
6) places.
7) Drew a polar bear today during Nordic Mythology.
8) Sang Christmas carols at the højskole around a fire. A large amount of Danes know how to play piano (they also know 5 languages fluently) so they are possibly a more superior culture.
9) Taught the Danes how to make s'mores!!!!!! It was so cute. The Danes with their little scarves and sweaters learned how to make s'mores. O my gosh, the Danes are just always adorable. You just want to keep one in your pocket.

Learn the dodo bird, they will soon be extinct.
Daw, I love Danes. They are just such gorgeous people (inside and out). I love my højskole (I TOTALLY JUST FIGURED OUT HOW TO MAKE the ø!!!!)
This just completely revolutionizes my blog.

What else can I do when I press the option key?

Guess I know what I am doing for the rest of the night.
I swear Apple computers are like the Narnia closet, you just open it up and there are so many magical things to do.

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