Monday, December 6, 2010


This is a Danish adventure is sure to top all the rest.
This weekend I was witness to a tragic event. A decimation to humanity, an absolute catastrophe to the Danish culture.......I witnessed the unspeakable crime of a Bieber Parade. 

That's right. A parade...solely dedicated to the worship of an elven-sized lad named Justin Bieber. Praised for his angelic voice and cherub-like looks, Justin Bieber is a god among teeny boppers everywhere. Atleast 90% of the pre-pubescent girl population have pledged their heart and soul to him on countless fan forums. To my utter dismay, it seemed that the plague of "Bieber fever" had magically wafted its way over from America and had hit Copenhagen. Symptoms including uncontrollable sobbing, obsessive replaying of "Baby", and dire desperation to please and praise this Keebler House elf with obsessive fan relics and facebook dedication posts seemed to be evident among this throng of 800 girls in City Square.


Now you ask (or maybe not) did I come upon this herd of Biebers?
Well, I was peacefully strolling through the quaint shopping street of Strøget, taking in the sweet smells of roasted nuts and the faint glistening of snowflakes as they slowly fluttered down among the throng of Christmas shoppers. Christmas music filled the air and all was merry.....that's when I heard it.

The chanting. I should have left right then when I heard the first note piercing note of "One Time" ruin the Christmas atomsphere. It was a horrific sight. I turned to see what appeared to be thousands of braces clad, silly-band wearing Danish girls.

I was like Simba in the Lion King stampede, but instead of wildebeest it was much was a herd of BELIEBERS.

The signs, the shirts, the metal on their teeth....I was trying to desperately out run them. They came fast though, their mission was to be heard throughout Copenhagen. Their mission to spread the belief of BIEBER was unstoppable. I didn't have Mufasa to rescue me from under their pounding All-Star clad feet, I had to rely on my own street skills to dodge these fiends of pre-teendom.

*Ok, yes this is one hyperbole of a tale but it's for emotional effect. *

Luckily, I escaped but I will never forget the day that the Bieber Fever hit Copenhagen. Let us all pray for mercy upon the Danish population, may they survive the plague of BIEBER. STAY STRONG DENMARK...STAY STRONG.

*Retold from Courtney's actual harrowing encounter of the BIEBER PARADE

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