Sunday, October 31, 2010

"We're Great Danes!! Ha......get it?"

Ah it has come time again to celebrate this wonderfully American made up candy corporation holiday...tis the day of All Hallow's Eve. I must admit it is a little strange celebrating Halloween over Europe...people are just like "eh....let's go ahead and bring out the Christmas decorations." Umm excuse me? I will not be satisfied to just 'moving on'  until  I get atleast 20 Reese's in my halloween bag. This year I will for-go the Twizzlers though...thank god. Who gives Twizzlers out on Halloween? You are an abomination to American nationalism madam, if you think it is okay to give out Twizzlers. Cheap. 

Well, since I live in an awesome hojskole, where the motto is "there is always something to celebrate," the Danes were more than happy to take part in the American festivity of Halloween. Since I was done with the three weeks from hell, I was so excited to take part in all the pumpkin carving! Grundtvigs supplied us with 20 pumpkins or so to just have at it! Don't think there were any stencils or pumpkin carving tool kits in this joint. This was real pumpkin carving. We're talking free-hand, butcher knife wielding pumpkin carving. No mercy. 

Absolute professionals.
However, since my carving craft had been hindered by the fact that I used "kits" all my pumpkin was resembling Quasimodo. So I substituted by just taking everyone's pumpkin guts out for them, because you know that's the best part. I swear, I think pumpkin guts are the key to time travel. There is no other smell that can whisk you back to your childhood like that. Woo getting sentimental there, continuing on...after pumpkin carving the rest of the Danes decided to go watch "The Shining" which I opted out of because if you're going to do a horror movie please do something that doesn't contain Jack Nicholson. 

Americans know what's going on. 
The next night the real festivities began. Naturally, my roommate and I had absolutely no clue what were going to be. I was going to just be a Dane, but then I realized I couldn't really pull it off. So then I had the BEST IDEA EVER....
Two words. Great. Danes. 
Easy, fun, absolutely clever, and we could bark....we would be the cat's meow at this party. Chicka chicka yeahh.
So we drew on our dog faces and wore Danish flags that said "great danes" on our costumes and pranced on down to the dinner. As we ran into the dining hall, we honestly thought....what the hell?! This was terrifying. Everyone was dressed up as something dead. Dead clowns, dead brides, dead fairies, dead butchers, and Amy Winehouse who basically looks like death. What is the debauchery? Halloween can be cute too! At least, the dining hall was decorated in a non-ghoulish manner. They had candles, lit pumpkins, and green potatoes? I don't know they had to dye something green. It was very well done. 
Amy Winehouse (Tijana), moi, and Julie!
Though this feast was fantastic, no one got our costumes. I was crushed! They just thought we were just cats with signs on us that said "great danes" which they took quite literally to mean "o we're cats that happen to be great Danish citizens." Absolute tragedy. It wasn't till later that we discovered that they call Great Danes by their French name here.. "Grande Danoires," well that's just perfect.
So Margaret and I just looked like idiot cats all night long. However, we lived it up by drinking Halloween punch and dancing the Monster Mash all night and having fun with our Danish friends. The Danes really are great...ha. ha. k.

The Great Danes and KISS.
Danes living Halloween up.
Well I need to pack for Prague! I am leaving this afternoon on a 12-hour bus ride (crying a little on the inside) but it's going to be a blast. Czech Trek here I come!

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